Aérodrome - EBTX - Charts
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- Catégorie : Aérodrome
- Affichages : 47781
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Aérodrome - EBTX - ULIP Chart (BULMF)
VHF 119.005 depuis le 31/1/2019
Information | Valeur |
ARP coordinates | N50°33'09" E005°51'18" |
Elevation | 333m - 1091ft |
RWY 06 |
True BRG : 055° - Dimensions : 738x22m - Strength (PCN) : 2000KG - Surface : GRASS |
RWY 24 |
True BRG : 235° - Dimensions : 738x22m - Strength (PCN) : 2000KG - Surface : GRASS |
VHF | "Theux Radio" on 119.005 channel (FR-EN, basic information only) |
VOR/DME | Olno (LNO - 112.8 MHz) 111° 6Nm - Sprimont (SPI - 113.1 MHz) 077° 9Nm |
FUEL | AVGAS 100 LL (limited quantities) - UL91 |
Opening hours | WE & holidays: 1000-SS Working days: 1400-SS (Local Time) Limited to 2000 (Local Time). |
Phone | +32 (0)87 22.30.32 (only when AD is open) AD Commander phone is displayed on the Webcam page |
The use of the aerodrome is subject to prior permission from the operator. |
Landing fee | 7 EUR (exact change please!) |
Remarks | standard LEFT pattern at 1000ft AGL, mandatory LEFT turn after landing |